The future of digital transformation – the sum of all parts #1

woman and man working on their computers at large desk

Written by Claire McNally, Digital Transformation Services Lead, Neueda

Part 1: Introduction

Digital transformation is taking place within almost 90% of all organisations today on some level and while most understand that embedding technology in their operations will be critical to their success, less than 20% have a clear understanding of how to do this effectively.

This is usually down to a lack of clear vision; a resistance to change; ineffective technology; inflexible data; or a legacy system that is stifling digital progress.

Getting digital transformation right is more important than ever, in a time when tech-savvy consumers expect a digital solution to almost every service.

Often the first experience a user has with an organisation is a digital one. It needs to set a positive tone for the relationship between a user and a provider from that moment on.

So what is digital transformation?

It isn’t simply about looking at what you do and identifying how tech can replace that. Nor is it about acquiring more technology for the sake of it.

Organisations need to closely review every element of their operations and consider how technology can help it compete more effectively.

At Neueda, we guide our customers through the digital transformation process and work through four elements that must be addressed throughout:

  • Business
  • Applications
  • Data
  • Technology

True digital transformation comes from assessing the business you are in, the applications required to run that business, the data you have access to that will support and develop the business, and the technology required to support all of this.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll explore these four steps and demonstrate how, when considered individually and in full, these are the building blocks for true digital transformation.

Join us at Digital Leaders Insight Live Week (8th Nov 2019):

Claire McNally, Neueda Digital Transformation Services Lead, is presenting ‘The Future of Digital Transformation = The Sum of all Parts’ at Digital Leaders Insight Live Week at 12noon on 8th November 2019.

Claire will explore the reasons why businesses must look at every aspect of their organisation and consider how digital transformation can help it compete more effectively and deliver long-term success.

Interested? Register here.

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