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DLWeek 2022 Ministerial Launch

June 2022

Digital Leaders, the national initiative promoting digital transformation, leadership and innovation has launched the UK’s 5th National Digital Week. The week, which covers the whole of the UK, is online, making all its content accessible to the whole UK, particularly relevant during a week where […]

Cognizant Car
Space, Data, AI and Formula One debated in the 2021 Annual Lectures

July 2021

This year’s four Annual Lectures in Parliament, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were highlights of Digital Leaders Weeks. Do watch the recordings to hear some great thought leadership on Space, Data, AI and Transformation. UK The data deluge in Formula One has lessons for Public […]

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The three essentials of rapid business innovation

June 2020

Momentum is key to successful business innovation. We’re finding today just how quickly businesses need to adjust to new situations – and not just because of Covid 19. Only those agile enough to adapt can keep pace with changes in customer demand, technology potential, and […]

It’s time for a Virtual Summit

March 2020

These days we value our online content as much as our face to face events. Since as far back as 2016, we have been experimenting with virtual formats and we now have two that we think work well. In terms of audience, our growing subscriber […]

T Levels: A new and exciting route into the Digital world for young people

June 2019

T Levels are new set of qualifications which will be available to students aged 16-19 from September 2020. They combine classroom-based learning with on-the-job experience and will equip students with the knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary to thrive in the industry. These qualifications have been […]

People talking around a table at a networking event
Webinar Recording: Exploring the four archetypes of HR innovation

October 2018

In the age of digital transformation, innovation has become profoundly impactful and crucial for the future of public and private sector organisations in the UK. Industry leaders embrace the digital journey and explore uncharted opportunities through innovation, transforming their organisations. However, there are different organisational […]

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