AI has the potential to transform and enhance human wellbeing, peace and prosperity. This can be achieved if leaders are able to ensure it is designed, developed and deployed in their organisations in a manner that is safe, human-centric, trustworthy and responsible. 

Digital Leaders AI connects leaders and their organisations to the enormous opportunities of Artificial Intelligence and at the same times helps them manage the risks. We promote AI knowledge sharing, foster networking among leaders and AI professionals and advocate for ethical AI practices.  

We think about the  benefits and risks of AI across ten broad topics:

Potential Benefits:

 * Productivity & Efficiency   * Customer Experience   * Data & Decision Making   * Innovation & collaboration              * Sustainability.

 Risks to manage:

* Regulation & Compliance   * Workforce & Skills   * Cyber security   * Ethics & Bias   * Cost effectiveness & ROI.


AI: Highlighted talks from AI archive

AI Highlighted: Thought Leadership

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