Annual Partnerships 2022-23

As a Digital Leaders Annual Partner, you will raise awareness of your brand, key team members as thought leaders and the great work being carried out by your organisation in the UK. 

Digital Leaders is… The independent forum where public, private and third sector leaders explore new ideas and showcase the very best digital solutions. We know that government and businesses want to help each other use digital more effectively. We create environments where great conversations take place to make this happen. You will position yourself at the heart of this by sharing thought leadership, best practice, research and being seen to be leading the Digital Leaders community.


Click here to view partner opportunities

Annual Partner (Organisation) - £18k

Logo displayed as a partner on weekly webmail to 93,000
Logo on web page of your choice - Topic/Region
Associate Partner listing
2 webinars
Hosted events during 3 online weeks
4 blogs a year emailed out to whole community
A monthly review meetings
50% Reduction on list price of any other opportunities you take up.

Expert (Individual) - £299 a month (min 3 months)

Profile with logo and searchable on Experts page
URL link, twitter & LinkedIn
Tagged to one region and two topics of expertise
2 Blogs a quarter
Free webinar or pre-record at each of our three Summit Weeks
2 free tickets to award ceremony of your choice
Invitation to Experts Events

Our Annual Partners include


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