It’s a wrap!
June 2017
Thank you! Easy words to say, but on this occasion it feels inadequate as there are so many people in the Digital Leaders Community I need to thank.
Last week was the very first Digital Leaders Week. A nationwide week to inspire the leaders of today to become the leaders for a new Digital Industrial Age.
The week certainly raised awareness of the opportunities in place to support leadership and to support transformation across the UK by leveraging innovation, skills and experience. We held 41 free events with over 3,000 participants and across all 11 DL Local regions outside of London, but the real leverage not surprisingly was on social media, with a total Twitter reach during the week’s hashtags of 11M and 62M Twitter impressions. That’s an awesome number and testament to the level of engagement our UK members give.
It was all made possible through the generous commitment, interest and networks of hundreds of individual Digital Leaders who know how important digitally transforming the UK Government and economy is.
In fact its now essential for the future of the UK and especially crucial outside of a changed relationship with our European neighbours and in the context of a changing trading relationship with the rest if the world.
The lynch pin of this new world will be the quality of the nation’s Digital Leadership and how these leaders drive outcomes inside government, enterprise, SMEs and, of course, within the third sector and this is why so many helped deliver this first week.
There is not space to thank you all. I could single out: Digital Minister Matt Hancock MP who launched the week at the London Stock Exchange with the help of Sherry Coutu; or our Chair Francis Maude who launched the National Digital Conference and DL100 Awards; or Rob Wilmot who gave the Annual Lecture in Leeds; or Clare Moriarty at DEFRA; Emma McGuigan, Global CTO at Accenture; or TechUK President Jacqueline de Rojas; or our 2017 Young Digital Leader winner Jack Parsons….but
See! I said it was impossible and I haven’t even started! This blog would just be a list of names if I did.
So you know who you are. Your work and thoughts can be found on the DLWeek page as can our partners so I shall leave it there and just say that the success and enthusiasm for this first Week has made the our decision to repeat it next year an easy one.
DL Week 2018 – 18-22 June will once again raise awareness of the opportunities in place to support leadership and to support transformation across the UK by leveraging innovation, skills and experience from across the tech sector and from across the country.
Come and get involved. Very happy to touch base and chat through your ideas to run an event next year. Please email me on [email protected]