Share Nicely

04 March @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm, #DigiLounge

Group having a board meeting


This talk will be given by Steve Tredinnick, Principal Delivery Manager, Methods Business & Digital Technology Ltd.

Shared IT Services can add tremendous value to your organisation whilst streamlining costs, this workshop looks at some of the common pitfalls, pathways to success and benefits that are experienced from being part of a shared service.

Experienced practitioners of IT Shared Services will be available to discuss and explore what this means in practice.


  • Understanding of the setup and running of a IT Shared Service.
  • Importance of stakeholders and agreeing the framework for success
  • Understanding of the importance of a strategy and common objectives supported by a well-defined service catalogue.
  • Appreciation of the benefits of IT Shared Services whilst achieving maximum value from public sector investment.

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