Digital Wales
June 2017
The Wales Salon had a great meeting on 21st June covering digital transformation in the public and third sector, hosted at the Tramshed in Cardiff and organised by Karen Lewis at the Wales Cooperative Centre.
Over 30 organisations attended and most of these were new to Digital Leaders, ranging from local authorities and housing associations through to technology companies, charities, universities and agencies such as the Office for National Statistics and Wales Council for Voluntary Action. There was a real energy in the room as we heard speakers from Rhondda Cynon Taf Council, Innovation Point, Microsoft and the Wales Cooperative Centre.
After the main talks we had break-out sessions where we discussed priorities, shared best practice, and discussed how we can help each other with a range of digital transformation projects.
What became quickly apparent was the level of expertise that was available on subjects as diverse as digital volunteering, how to access the National Software Academy, use of the blockchain in volunteering, cloud-based computing for local authorities, use of social media analytics and service design user testing.
Lots of business cards were swapped and follow up meetings have been arranged. A very positive result for Digital Leaders in Wales.
See the video here: