
Missed appointments, long wait times, and a manner of other logistical and financial issues have become more common in our healthcare landscape. However the UK has also shown remarkable adaptability in the face of the global Covid-10 pandemic, with the adoption of new digital tools and apps to track and trace the spread of the virus across the nation. HealthTech has the ability to improve our patient outcomes, drive efficiency and deliver unprecedented medical breakthroughs. With smartphone cameras being used as heart rate monitors, and contact lenses measuring blood sugar levels we are moving into an era when we can all collect physiological data about ourselves. There is massive potential for preventative healthcare technologies in creating stable long-term population health outcomes. Increasingly, cross-sector collaboration, innovation, big data and the possibilities of AI mean we are at a transformational moment for dealing with our Health. It is crucial that our leaders gain the skills and capabilities necessary to understand HealthTech and build new technologies, and this important work is not left solely to digital teams.

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