Faced with a severe cyber security attack 13 months ago, Hackney Council, in partnership with Arcus Global, have decided to transform their regulatory services, steered by their values and principles, in order to better support their borough’s residents and businesses. In this webinar, Matthew Cain, Head of Customer Services at Digital and Data Hackney Council and Richard Sankey, Product Director of Arcus Global, give insight into how they will go about making change and the main challenges of implementing a new system. They reveal the importance of data sharing and management, as well as using software as an enabler to solve community issues.
Regulatory services are an exciting space for innovation, important for both a thriving economy and meeting expectations of a borough’s residents. However, key to successful transformation and digitisation of regulatory services is getting the fundamentals right (being clear about the data and a systems flexibility) and having clearly defined ideas of the outcomes you are trying to achieve.
You can catch up with the full webinar below.