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Why this Digital Leaders Week I shall be staying home.

June 2024

This year will be the 7th time that DLWeek 14-18 October, our shared knowledge and learning Week takes place. As we say in the blurb, “those like you, with the answers or experience to drive forward the digital transformation of the UK are taking part, […]

Have we overloaded the term ‘technical debt’?

June 2024

What do we mean by technical debt? These days, we seem to mean a lot more than Ward Cunningham did when he first coined the term in 1992. As Cunningham has helpfully clarified, he was specifically referring to coding choices made in the absence of […]

Enhancing leadership through self-awareness

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What I’ve learnt through working with leaders in the digital, creative and design sectors is that a leader can learn skills, tools, tricks and read many books. But, if they are not self-aware, they’ll usually find they’re ‘doing’ leadership rather than ‘being’ a leader. To […]

Everyone is a data leader—yes you!

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Every leader is a data leader. I’ll say it louder for those in the back… EVERY leader is a data leader. From revenue and strategy teams to operations and people teams, there is no business function that can afford to not harness it’s functional and […]

AI Leadership: Learning to break free of the past

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Sometimes it feels like I’m stuck in the past. Too often when faced with a new challenge, my first inclination is not to face forwards with an open mind, but to look backwards to try to extract lessons from previous experiences that help me to […]

Dual-Track Agile – when everyone is a researcher

April 2024

Dual-track agile is an approach to agile project delivery in which the team breaks its daily development work into two tracks: research and delivery. It is a unifying approach to product development. It is a method that embraces the differences between the work of a […]

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