Cyber security

AI Security and privacy is a fundamental right, not a bargaining chip. Leaders must build AI systems that respect user privacy and data security. So when developing AI applications, prioritise building systems that respect user privacy rights. This means obtaining explicit consent  for data collection and implementing robust security measures to protect user information. By prioritising privacy, our Leaders will help build trust with users and ensure the long-term success of your AI endeavours.

Cyber security supporters include:

Highlighted talks about Cyber security

Cyber security thought leadership

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Charities know they need a cybersecurity plan, so why do so few have one?

September 2017

It’s no surprise that cybersecurity is a priority for most charity-technology leaders today, but does the wider charity workforce understand the need to invest in it? With more digital threats today than ever, it’s important that charities put plans in place to mitigate potential risks and address any skills shortfalls, regardless […]

The Challenge(s) of Cyber Security

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Usually when faced with a real and present danger, we have a pretty good idea of how to react, even it’s only by running away. So why does cyber-security seem to be such a difficult issue for us? Why is it, for example, that only […]

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June 2017

Cloud has seen some great and thought provoking events in Digital Leaders Week. These events took place across the UK, including London, West Midlands and Scotland. The events heard from a variety of speakers from different sectors, advising listeners on how to use cloud and […]

Catch up on the Online Events you missed during Digital Leaders Week

June 2017

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