Will our smart cities be green cities?
October 2018
This is an amazing time to work in transport. Extraordinary innovation in engineering, technology and business models could fundamentally change how people and goods get around. To respond to these changes, and put the UK at the forefront of the industries driving the innovation, the Government, as part of the Industrial Strategy, launched the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge.
I’d like to pick out a few trends that are already having a big impact:
And it’s happening to the backdrop of a changing society. By 2046 almost 1 in 4 people in the UK will be 65 years and over; increasing numbers of older drivers and more people with dementia using public transport will pose new challenges for the network.
Getting the right response to these changes is fundamental to society as transport affects everyone throughout their lives and is the number one area of household spending in the UK and many other countries. With the potential for safer, cleaner and more efficient transport networks, delivered through innovation, it is crucial that we work with companies to encourage innovation, create new industries and deliver a 21st transport system that works for everyone.
This is no mean feat, and the approach we are taking will evolve and grow over time. Some of the early priorities for the Grand Challenge include:
Fundamentally, this isn’t a challenge which can be tackled alone. It requires a close working relationship with industry and engagement with the public. To help us deliver the Future of Mobility we have appointed Ian Robertson, former board member at BMW, as our Business Champion. Ian is supported by an Advisory Council with Tracy Westall, Isabel Dedring and Stan Boland. Their role is to help shape, advise and work with Government to create the right environment to deliver a thriving transport sector.
Originally posted here