Learning session: Learn new or improve your computer skills
June 11 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
South West
19 June @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, The Square Club, 15 Berkeley Square, Bristol, BS8 1HB
Organisations can get stuck thinking they are doing all they can, or everything that matters, in digital and do not recognise the gaps, opportunities and threats that they face. Even if understood by some within an organisation, getting leadership to acknowledge the gaps and commit budgets to change can be a huge stumbling block. Furthermore, a recent Celonis study of C-suite executives reveals that, of those who have already embarked on a transformation programme, 41% believe their efforts have been “a waste of time”, with poor planning, high costs and lack of organisation-wide involvement as top concerns.
Attend this 2-hour workshop organised by Rewrite Digital to address those concerns and find out the best solutions for your organisation.
Key takeaways of this interactive session:
This event is free to attend. Coffee and tea will be provided.
To find out more about Rewrite Digital please click here.