Discussion: Creating a Diverse Digital Health Ecosystem in Leeds
June 17 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
14 June @ 10:30 am - 3:30 pm, GDS Platform, New Station Street, Leeds, LS1 4JB
Product People North is a place for people who are passionate about creating digital services that start with User needs. Usually but not exclusively associated with government digital services, meet-ups are organised regularly to discuss Product Management and Service themes.
Their next meet-up is all about Death. OK, so why Death? At Product People North all the life events that the Users encounter need to be tackled, and death is one of those.
Attend to hear from speakers about Bereavement Services, Inheritance Tax, Funeral Care, Burial at Sea and more.
If you’re interested to learn and share with digital leaders across the north of England working and partnering with public services please come along to this interesting session. Attendees are also welcome to join the next meet-up, which will be all about Birth.
Quickly secure your ticket to this free event before they are all gone.