AXSChat on Inclusive Digital Leaders (Online Event)
June 20 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
20 June @ 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm, Online
We all now face multiple threats to our cyber security, whatever our organisational size or activity. Cyber-activists defacing websites, hackers breaking into IT systems, foreign governments searching for intellectual property in your files seem unlikely to affect us.
For many of us we have relied for too long on the IT team to deal with these threats. Now the nature and impact means we must all take on responsibility for protecting ourselves. The fact remains that many of us remain unaware of simple security measures that can help protect our technology.
In this webinar, David McGlade, the Cyber Security lead at Kainos will take you through some of the threats that exist today, their impact on sectors and how you and your organisation can be best prepared to meet the rapid surge in cyber security incidents.
This webinar lasts 20-25mins with 10min Q&A.
Find the full webinar recording here:
Are you at risk of a cyber attack? from Kainos on Vimeo.
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