Digital Leaders, Digital Alchemist Consulting Services International and Solution Centric announce the launch of Digital Leaders China.
We are pleased to announce that Digital Alchemist Consulting Services International and Solution Centric have been selected as partners for the Global Digital Leaders Programme in China.
The Digital Alchemist Consulting Services International team has been associated with China for 30+ years, while Solution Centric has had a sustained operating presence in China since 1999 providing consulting and services to China’s largest companies.
The objective of this Digital Leaders China partnership is to actively promote collaboration between China and the UK. This new partnership positively responds to the growth opportunities presented to both our countries in a post-Brexit economic environment. It will also support the acceleration of a digital culture so that both countries can capture the opportunities which emanate from Business 4.0+ and the digital disruption business climate.
Digital Leaders China will focus on building a digital and physical ecosystem for companies in China and the UK to connect with each other and to develop their strategic and operational digital capabilities.
For more information on this exciting development please contact:
James Fintain Lawler: [email protected]; [email protected] or
Joseph Smith: [email protected]; [email protected]
“The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even printing for that matter”. Douglas Englebart: American Inventor.
#digileaders #DigitalByDesign
全球数字领袖项目:联接中国 携手共进
数字领袖项目(Digital Leaders)、Digital Alchemist国际咨询服务公司和Solution Centric公司宣布启动数字领袖中国项目。
我们很荣幸宣布,Digital Alchemist国际咨询服务公司和Solution Centric公司成为全球数字领袖项目中国区的合作伙伴。
Digital Alchemist国际咨询服务公司已进驻中国30余年。Solution Centric公司自1999年以来持续在中国运营,为多家中国最大的企业提供咨询等服务。
欲知更多详情,点击 digileaders.com/region/cn
James Fintain Lawler: [email protected]; [email protected]或
Joseph Smith: [email protected]; [email protected]