In DWP, we’re proactively designing and delivering our digital future on a massive scale.
We’re at the heart of a new approach to digital technology in government, an approach which is already making a big difference to colleagues and claimants alike. We’re building better digital services designed around user need and using data, and we’re doing more of it ourselves using the best technologies we can find. We prefer open source platforms as we both consume and contribute to making them readily available for anyone to use. We’re developing the skills to build and evolve our systems using the latest ideas and the best components from a much wider range of partners, from established global leaders to exciting start-ups.
We’re delivering the government’s bold vision to transform public services – a revolution driven by user need, fuelled by data, and created through fast, iterative agile development. Whether registering to vote, buying road tax, calculating tax, opening up work opportunities, checking pension or renewing a driving license, digital technology and data are simplifying and enhancing experiences.
Transforming DWP’s services offers a unique set of opportunities. We interact with 22 million people, and some of them are the most vulnerable people in society. Few employers can offer their people the same degree of challenge, variety and reward as the UK’s biggest government department. We help millions of people access work; support security in retirement; help disabled people play a fuller part in society; and assist parents and children in separated families. The chance to apply next generation digital technologies on such a scale to change lives motivates us every day.
The digital technology and data itself excites us too. We’re not simply adapting in DWP: increasingly, we’re setting the pace ourselves, working with fellow innovators across sectors to reimagine our future. We’re exploring the role of potential game-changers, such as blockchain, machine learning and cognitive computing to name a few, in building more intelligent, efficient and tailored services.
On 30 June in Manchester, we’ll be hosting ‘the Next Sprint’, bringing together digital technology and data leaders and opinion formers to look at how next generation technology can drive our vision to build secure, stable and easy-to-use services. This is a unique opportunity to bring diverse organisations together in one place, united by our curiosity to explore how digital technology and data can help millions of people change their lives for the better. It promises to be an exciting event as we explore the potential of technology to re-imagine.
To find out more about the event visit the web page.
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