Many of the UK’s biggest brands understand that accessible websites and apps are good for business, but too many people treat it as a bolt-on – As well as facing legal threats organisations could be missing out on a market that is estimated at £250bn.
In this recent webinar participants heard from AbilityNet, our Accessibility Partner, as they laid out the business case for making sure that your website and apps can be used by every customer.
The session was delivered by Robin Christopherson MBE, who has been a global expert in accessibility for 20 years and regularly speaks at international tech events. He used examples to show how inclusive design can boost revenue, deliver financial savings, improve your brand and reduce legal risks. He’ll also explained how accessible apps and websites can improve the experience for every single one of your mobile users – whether they have a disability or not. He was also joined by his colleague Mark Walker. Mark AbilityNet’s Head of Marketing and Communications and has been involved in digital inclusion for 25 years.
The webinar consists of a 30-minute presentation followed by a 20 minute interactive Q&A.