Webinar: The rise of Intelligent Automation
May 12 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
14 May @ 3:45 pm - 5:30 pm, Online
As recently as January this year, we saw a successful digital sector driving some of the world’s strongest and most competitive economies. We saw the UK government looking beyond Brexit and towards forging new trading partnerships with access to a more open, global marketplace and export opportunities.
Fast forward two months, to March 2020. Every government and industry found itself trying to rapidly adapt to operating in extraordinary, unstable conditions where organisations and people have no option but to restructure around working remotely, however unprepared they were. Everywhere, business is searching for ways to adapt and become more resilient by investing in new systems – change and solutions need to be successfully deployed
The coronavirus crisis is challenging business and tech leaders in new and unprecedented ways – but the skills developed by successful leaders can forge better business and government going forward.
We are now experiencing a particular set of circumstances and challenges that will test our leadership approaches more than ever. As we plan what recovery might look like for a set of crises none of us has ever experienced before – how do we know what direction and at what speed a recovery will take? What new leadership approaches will have to be shaped for the new normal – the unsteady state?
Speakers for this event include senior digital leaders from the Home Office and Ofsted.