Showcase: Bristol celebrates data projects
March 16 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
06 March @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, 108 Stamford Street, Bishop's, London, SE1 9NH
“How can boroughs use IoT-enabled smart street infrastructure for the benefit of all Londoners?” The London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) and the GLA invite you to take part in an accelerator week to explore this question and help address the biggest challenges facing London boroughs’ use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Street Infrastructure.
Key areas that need to be addressed include:
There have been multiple pilots and studies carried out on these challenges already at an EU, national and city level, which have gone some way to addressing these challenges. However, navigating the findings from these sources is difficult and time consuming. There is a need for this information to be curated and tested by London boroughs.
On 6th March, a public Show and Tell will be held to share the best answers to each question. Feedback and next steps will be shared by a panel of made London boroughs.
Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register your interest as soon as possible to attend.
For an overview of the thinking behind this event, please read our recent article.
For further information about the event, please contact Onyeka Onyekwelu (Lead Engagement Officer, LOTI) via email.