As part of our Creating a Sustainable Future Series, our CTO discusses digital dexterity. What is it, and how can it fuel sustainable growth? To find out, watch his video below.
Video: watch time: 3 minutes
Within Telefónica Tech’s recent research, Planting Digital Seeds for the Future, we asked UK&I technology leaders about their biggest concerns and challenges.
Digital dexterity was identified as one of the top challenges in the research. Additionally, it revealed that 44% of respondents experienced greater technology efficiencies, but they now require people-based processes to keep up. The video below offers our CTO’s perspective on digital dexterity and aligning people with technology.
Digital dexterity was coined by Gartner a couple of years ago. In short, it is the ability and ambition of organisations to embrace digital technologies and transform their businesses. Essentially, how can leaders unlock technology platforms and unlock people’s thinking in order to drive digital initiatives forward?
1. Do you have the right communication platforms? It is essential for senior leaders to be able to communicate what the digital initiatives are and how the plans will impact the wider organisation. The importance of collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom cannot be overstated.
2. How will you educate and upskill employees? Education is also crucial. It is worth investigating what eLearning platforms you can tap into as part of your transformation programme. For education and enablement for technical teams, we use e-learning platforms like Pluralsight. These kind of platforms offer a fast way to upskill and educate your teams with self-serve training, as well as provide insight into technical strengths and weaknesses.
3. How will you change behaviour? Lastly, don’t forget about change management and end user adoption. It is important that employees understand the technology and apps provided in relation to their specific roles. That’s why, within our modern workplace as-a-service, we don’t just deploy solutions; we educate employees on how platforms and apps can help them do a better job.
Originally posted here