Digital transformation: A growth necessity
December 2020
The daily whirlwind of distractions within the public sector can make it difficult to progress things at a fast pace, so a continued drive for the right kind of leadership will be vital in sustaining the progress already made. Decision-makers within organisations need to make time to prioritise long term economic savings and efficient service delivery.
When it comes to finances, my view is that technology should be the last place budget cuts should be made. Although – the end goal is exceptional services, not technology. Technology is the enabler, and we need to invest more in it, not less. It should be viewed as a core-competency. A drive to invest in innovative solutions from contactless systems to remote service delivery will be a ‘must have’. Peoples’ needs are forever changing, and the expectation for the ‘anytime, anywhere’ model should be the foundation of the way we deliver public services now and into the future.”