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Accelerating delivery: 10 questions to ask your team

June 2022

If you work in digital in the public sector, you’re probably aware of accelerated delivery. It helps to build projects faster, more efficiently, and with reduced risk. If your team is new to delivery at pace, we’ve outlined 10 questions to ask yourself and your […]

Ensuring everyone has access to work

June 2022

In DWP Digital we strive to make complicated services better for our users. Access to Work is a good example of this, where we’re providing a service that helps disabled people and people with health conditions to get or stay in work, by providing a […]

It’s time for wel-tech

June 2022

When I started We Are Digital from my bedroom, newspaper clippings adorned my wall of Martha Lane Fox running Race-Online-2012 as the country attempted to get online before the Olympics. Age UK helped people in local “ITea and Biscuits” sessions, UK Online Centres was just […]

5G mobile
Open access connectivity – the next frontier of 5G

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Mobile connectivity is rapidly changing and 5G technology is fast establishing itself as a critical conduit for integrating ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) to bring smart cities, self-driving vehicles and industry 4.0 technologies into our lives. As connectivity is evolving, Open RAN (Radio Access Network) has […]

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Five golden rules for compliant alt text

February 2022

Are you using alt text properly? Inconsistent use of alt text is one of the most common problems found in our web audits. These golden rules make your alt tags more useful to your site visitors and mean your site is more likely to be […]

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