Blog Archives

Matt Hancock MP

Digital Leaders are giving the tools to enable the world to transform.

Lord Parry Mitchell

I was not sure what to expect, I loved it. Please invite me to future events.

Mike Bracken

It’s great to see Digital Leaders coming together in response to the work across Government and in the technology sector.

Martha Lane Fox

The Digital Leaders is a great group of people who are trying to transform the UK for the better using digital technology.

Sarah Windrum

We keen to share best practice and learn ways to better enable innovation and growth in our businesses across all sectors. The Digital Leaders LEP network is a very useful tool for achieving this goal as it brings together other LEP representatives and also new […]

Julie West

As a LEP we are always looking for ways to remain updated and informed, our Growth Hubs are working with a large number of businesses I found the Digital Leaders LEP network very relevant as it provides a national picture from the experts (and those […]