25 February @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Bournemouth
Two years ago Bournemouth Borough Council wrote a Digital Challenge document, outlining aspirations, objectives and projects it wanted to achieve – this is in part, what led to Bournemouth being named Digital Council of the Year 2015. Much that was contained within that report has now either been achieved or the need has been surpassed and the document ought to be updated.
What challenges does a community like wider Bournemouth and Poole face and what might the solutions look like?
With speakers from both the public and the private sector, this salon will aim to identify how the business community and local authorities can work together to develop and implement useful solutions.
Nick Palmer (Head of Strategic ICT, Bournemouth Borough Council),
Matt Desmier (Partner, Think Create Do and Founder, Silicon Beach)
Join us in Bournemouth on 25 February for the next South West Salon. Places are limited so register now to secure your place.