Salon: Smarter Regulation with a data and tech-driven approach
June 17 @ 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
20 June @ 8:00 am - 10:30 am, Sea/, Commodity Quay, St Katharine's & Wapping, London, E1W 1BF
Attend the round-table breakfast where the central theme for discussion will be the topic of digital transformation at scale.
The hosts for this debate – Sea/ – are the creators of a recently launched platform which is defining the digitisation of global shipping, so are contributing with first hand and first-mover experience.
The event will be held at the London head-quarters of the platforms parent company Clarksons – which is both the oldest and largest provider of integrated shipping services to arguably the oldest industry in the world. Whilst technology focused, the 160+ year pedigree and experience of Clarksons means the Sea/ platform is ideally positioned to drive the disruption and evolution the industry will witness.
Attendees will explore the core topics of what are the unknown costs of transformation at scale and balancing agile delivery and medium-to-long term product goals.
This is a senior level breakfast session. Places are limited so please register your interest today.