Workshop: Considering Ethical questions in Emerging Tech
June 18 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
20 June @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Oxfordshire County Library, Westgate, Oxford, OX1 1DJ
Come along to the Makerspace in Oxfordshire County Library if you’re interested in learning how to code or are pursuing freeCodeCamp’s online course.
Either you’re a complete beginner or if you’ve been coding for a while, this event will be a chance to meet other coders, network, or talk about a particular topic of interest. Professional developers or programmers are encouraged to come and give some encouragement to the learners.
Attendees are required to bring a laptop (in extremis the organiser may be able to provide a computer on the day but attendees will need to contact the library in advance).
For more info, contact the group on Facebook here.