Discovery Tour: Impact Hub Birmingham
June 18 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
21 June @ 9:30 am - 1:30 pm, Birmingham City Council House, Banqueting Suite, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BB
The Expo brings together women from all industries, professional, corporate backgrounds, providing a platform to showcase successful women businesses, celebrating achievements and giving out a strong message‘that anything is possible, achievable in business with the right mind-set, access to business experts and working around the challenges within traditional business structures.’
‘Women In Business Expo’ is taking place Friday 21st June at Birmingham City Council House, Banqueting Suite. This will be the 7th Year the event is hosted. This is an event for women business owners, professionals, corporates looking to grow their business and connect, network with influential business women in the region.
The Women In Business Expo, is currently the UK’s only work and business show aimed at helping, supporting women business owners, professionals, mums re-train, start-up or grow a business and to challenge stereotypical barriers, challenges that face women and work. It recognises that women need an event which they can share their challenges, experiences raising children, work and connecting with other women that understand, can help them with their business journey.
The Expo has two parts:
A dedicated expo area which has stall holders providing a wide range of business support; from advice, help with every aspect from setting up a business to information, suppliers with solutions to business growth, website, email marketing, sales, marketing, training, PR, financial, funding, accounting, legal, digital and social media.
The event includes a ‘business fashion show’ with a runway showcasing many talented, successful business owners.
The event encourages networking online and offline, collaborations and learning about companies that can help them with their business journey.
Capacity is limited, so please ensure you register to reserve your place.