Sustaining the Digital Talent Pool
November 25 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
23 September @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Belfast
As business and government evolve into increasingly more digitally dependant entities, the subject of education becomes ever more prominent. Further to recent DLNI Salons the need to develop a Digital Talent Pool is a key theme that has emerged. The September Salon will look at the ever growing need of a talent pool in Northern Ireland and where the jobs and leaders are?
The lead discussants include: Dr Joanne Stuart from Northern Ireland Science Park and Peter Doherty from Belfast Metropolitan College who manages CoderDojo.
The theme of Digital Talent will continue into the November Salon which will discuss developing the professional sector and sustaining the talent pool.
The places are limited so please register in advance to secure your free seat. The salon will be followed by a light networking lunch.