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With Covid 19, we saw an unprecedented amount of digital change as businesses and organisations pushed through their projects and programmes to meet and adapt to the new required ways of working…but did these changes go far enough and are we ready for future of the 5th Industrial Revolution?

The main difference between the 4th and 5th industrial revolutions is that Industry 5.0 seeks a more balanced working relationship between new smart technologies and humans.

Have organisations got the tools, people and processes in place to adapt to this new future as quickly as they did in the last two years? Most projects and programmes planned over the coming years aren’t designed with this future gaze, but we now need to catch up and stabilise the change that has recently taken place.

Join Holly Waite, Reed Professional Services as she explores the role of Programme and Project Management in preparing your workforce for the 5th Industrial Age.

Participation is free, but capacity is limited, so please click the link to register.